Um novo trabalho acaba de ser publicado por Henrique Bacci na Journal of Dental Health Oral Disorders and Therapy. O artigo descreve um caso clínico (CASE REPORT) tratado com alinhadores Self (Aditek) e planejado no Sofware coreano dentOne.
The correction of root torque is a crucial aspect of orthodontic treatments. With the growingpopularity of clear aligners, there is a need to establish their effectiveness in controllingroot torque. This study presents a case of retreatment in which root positioning correctionwas required for multiple teeth. The outcomes demonstrated that two sets of aligners, alongwith additional refinement, were necessary to achieve a favorable clinical outcome in termsof aesthetics and periodontal health. While the results were positive, it is recommendedthat further studies like this one be conducted to gather more evidence regarding the useof aligners for orthodontic root torque correction. Furthermore, pre-, and post-treatmenttomographic examinations could provide more precise insights into the potential of alignersin correcting root torque.
(PDF) Enhancing root torque correction in a clear aligners treatment. Available from: